Sunday, September 07, 2008

Missing Russ

It's hard to put into words the feelings I have for my husband, Russ. We've known each other for 27 years and been married for 25. When we decided he should take the new job in Georgia, we knew it would be a challenging year. I don't think either one of us really realized how hard it would be to experience loneliness. He is stuck in an apartment until I can sell the house and for a man that is used to working in the yard and around the house as a hobby in his spare time, he's found himself with very little to keep himself busy. I thought that since I would still have two kids here that I would have the easier time but I'm feeling the pangs of loneliness as well. The kids are both working and involved with school activities so they are rarely home. I never listened to how quiet the house can be when it's just me. Russ and I share a very wonderful relationship. He's my best friend and confidant and we enjoy spending time together walking or hiking or visiting with friends. It's been hard for me to get out for a walk with him gone but the times that I have I really get that lonely feeling and I yearn to have him walking beside me. I totally hate the quiet of the night. The first month I don't think I slept much. I was so used to hearing him snore or stir at night and when it was totally quiet, I didn't know what to do. He's always been my strong rock. When things go wrong, I can always count on his calm way of handling things and easing my worries. I totally appreciate all he's always done for the family now that I'm trying to do everything myself. He always made it look so easy but I'm finding out that it is quite a stressful thing to be the "man of the house". I thank God daily for my husband. He is a rare jewel that somehow found me. I am so very lucky to wear the name of such a special guy. May this year fly by quickly so we can be back together full-time again. Until then, I'll be content to hear his voice on the phone each night, and to pack as much togetherness as I can in each monthly visit we get this year. I pray that God will keep him safe and happy while he is away from me.

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