Brayden was thrilled to have so many toy options all around him and he was doing pretty good with mastering holding onto the walking toy and pushing it around the room. I think he'll be walking very soon. The boys, were excited to have Hannah there as well as me. They had us climbing into tents for bible class and making forts in the basement. It was good for Hannah to get some time to get to know her nephews too. Dantell decided to come in midweek since he'd never been to CO before. Hannah and Dantrell and I took the boys to the zoo while Cory and Stephanie went to the Dr. about some complications with her healing from surgery. Hannah was thrilled to see the giraffes (one of her favorites) and she even kissed an Orangutan through the glass.
I was especially thrilled to get my picture taken with all my grandkids together. It was hard to get them all looking and smiling at the same time but the outtakes are kinda fun. I cherish every moment I have with each of them. This Nana's heart was quite happy with all my bundles of joy all around me.